Reasons For Reading This Book: Hester by Laurie Lico Albanese was the book of the month for November for the podcast book club The Readheads. This is a monthly podcast book club that I have been apart of since it was established in 2020. I love getting to hear the thoughts of the hosts each month. I was intrieged and excited to read this book because I read and enjoyed The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne in high school. Content of This Book: This book is a fictional telling of the personal life of Nathaniel Hawthorne and what lead him to write The Scarlet Letter . It is known th at his other w orks of literature are based on his life and people in his life, so it can be assumed that the same is for The Scarlet Letter. Lauris Pico Albanese took it upon herself to write what she imaged Nathaniel Hawthorne's life was like and what influenced him to write the story of Hester Prynne and The Scarlet Letter. Isobel Gamble is a young seamstress with generations of secrets sh...