One of the very first spreads that I ever created in my digital bullet journal was a TV series tracker. Throughout my months of bullet journaling, my TV series trackers have evolved from a single spread to three separate spreads. In this blog post I will show you the first TV series trackers I ever made and then I will show you the trackers I am currently using. Along the way I will give tips and tricks on what worked and what didn't and how you can take these spreads and create your own. If you have any series that you think I should be watching make sure to leave a comment letting me know. I plan on an iPad using the application GoodNotes and Bargain Depot Stylus 2 Pack from Amazon. If you are curious to why I plan digitally you should check out my blog post Switching to a Digital Planner-Paperless Planning . Basic TV Series Tracker These two spreads are the first series trackers that I ever created and as you can tell they are purely functional and simple in their