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Showing posts from November, 2024

When We Were Enemies by Emily Bleeker Book Review

Reasons For Reading This Book: I read When We Were Enemies by Emily Bleeker in participation with  The Readheads Podcast Book Club  for the month of May 2024. At the time of reading and reviewing this book I was favoring historic fiction books so when I learned that historic fiction was a large portion of this book I was excited. I believe the trouble it took me to get this book is indicative of how my experience and overall feelings ended up being for the book. It was a Kindle only book so I had to purchase it instead of checking it out from the library and had to read electronically which is not my preference, as I work on a computer all day long. I read the book description before starting it and was drawn to Vivian’s rise to stardom.   Content of This Book: Vivian is the daughter of Italian immigrant parents who came to Indiana to give their daughters a better life. Its 1943 with her mother in a hospital and her father injured and unable to work, Vivian takes it upon...

The Frozen River By Ariel Lawhon Book Review

Reasons For Reading This Book: The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon  was the March selection for  The Readheads Podcast Book Club . I waited over two months for this book from my library so I knew that it must be a good book if that many people had it on hold. Prior to starting the book I read the book description and listened to the podcast host's announcement about it being the next read. I have been in a historic fiction book phase so I was exited to read this book and also to learn more about the midwife profession.  Content of This Book: Its 1789 and a body had just been pulled from the frozen Kennebec River. Martha Ballard the town midwife has been called to examine the body and determine the caused of death. Her job as a midwife makes her well versed on what happens both in public and behind closed doors in the town. Keeping a detailed dairy of the deaths, births and crimes and a physician disagreeing with her conclusions put Martha at the center of the cases for an al...