Since first living on my own in the dorms at my university I have developed a simple daily, weekly and monthly cleaning schedule. With now living in an apartment I have even more cleaning tasks to tackle regularly. The schedule that I have developed works best for me and my living situation. Living with me in the apartment are three young women and a puppy. When it comes to sticking to this schedule I have not always the best, but having a schedule in place and a bullet journal spread dedicated to it helps me to be motivated to get the cleaning done. Compared to my past bullet journal blog posts this one is simple because I have found that the best way to stay on top of cleaning schedules are to not make it any more work than it has to be. Having too many bullet journal spreads dedicated to one topic or area of your life can cause you to loose focus on one spread. That is why I have narrowed it down to the three cleaning list spreads that will help you to stay on track and keep up wi...