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Showing posts from September, 2018

September Book Review: The Silent Sister

My Reasons For Reading This Book While looking at must read book lists on Pinterest, I came across The Silent Sister by Diane Chamberlain . After reading the description I knew I had to read this book. Other than the fact that the description interested me I had no other reason to read this book.  Content of the Book After the unexpected passing of her father, Riley MacPherson is cleaning out her childhood home when she starts to discovery that the story she was told growing up about her sister's suicide may not be the truth. Lisa, Riley's supposed dead sister is alive and has been living a secret life for the past twenty years. What would cause Lisa to have to run away and fake her own suicide? What I Liked About the Book I liked how easily this book read. The descriptions and sentences flowed together smoothly and did not cause any confusion. As I have mentioned in previous book reviews, I have read books where the descriptions were distracting and all over t...

Step By Step Weekly Halloween Bullet Journal Spread

I thought I would try something new for this bullet journal blog post. Over on my Instagram I have been regularly posting my mid week and end of the week weekly bullet journal spreads. Since planning digitally is not as common in the bullet journal community, I have received questions asking how I create my weekly spreads. That is where the idea for this step by step tutorial came from. I was inspired to create a Halloween weekly spread even though its not even October yet. I plan on an iPad using the application GoodNotes and Bargain Depot Stylus 2 Pack from Amazon. If you are curious to why I plan digitally you should check out my blog post  Switching to a Digital Planner-Paperless Planning . Step #1 I have a series of different weekly templates that I have created and find to be the most functional for me. For this particular spread I am using the one that has a space at the top for the theme to go. I think of this spread to be similar to the way I used to plan when I u...

Tips to Reduce Waste While Traveling

Previously on my blog I have talked about how I am on a journey to reduce the amount of waste I generate. My reasons for doing this center around the fact that I am working on a degree in environmental studies and am very passionate in living a life focused on the idea that it is humans responsibility to preserve the environment so it can provide resources for further generations. If you are interested in reading more about my response for certain environmental issues check out my blog post An Environmental Studies Student's Response to No Toys For Christmas . I also have a blog post on How to Limit Your Waste During the Holidays . Tip #1 This first tip is one that I highly recommend and have found to be very useful in my efforts of reducing the amount of waste I generate while traveling. By making a packing list and checking your luggage twice to make sure you have everything and anything you might need. Doing this you can decrease your chances of having to purchase somethi...

My Favorite Low FODMAP Grocery Store Finds

Going low fodmap can be hard and finding low fodmap products at the grocery story can be even harder. Since I went low fodmap in May of 2018 there have been so many new low fodmap products have hit the selfs of big name grocery stores. If you are interested in my experience with starting the low fodmap diet check out my blog post How I Survived My First Two Weeks of Being Low Fodmap . I also have a blog post on Low Fodmap Snack Ideas . In that blog post I also share other low fodmap products that you can find at any grocery store. In this blog post I will be talking more specifically about certified low fodmap products and certified gluten free products. Fody Fody is a company that sells certified low fodmap products. Fody is great because you can purchase products from their website or use the store locator  to find a store that sells the products near you. I first saw Fody products in Hy-Vee in June of 2018. My favorite Fody products that I have been able to get at the ...

August Book Review: Dark Places

My Reasons For Reading This Book As I explained in my last book review, August Book Review: Sharp Objects ( August Book Review: Sharp Objects ), I loved Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl ( March Book Review: Gone Girl  )and had heard in a podcast that Gillian Flynn wrote two books before Gone Girl. Since I loved Gone Girl I thought that I why not read the two books she wrote prior to it. That is why I chose to read Gillian Flynn's second novel  Dark Places . Content of the Book This book did not disappoint when it comes to the similarities that are found in Gillian Flynn's other books. There is always a murder that is somehow linked back to the main female character. I can't forget that part of the story has to take place in Missouri. Libby Day and her older brother Ben were the sole survivors of the Kinnakee, Kansa murders. Ben was found guilty for the murders as a result of seven year old Libby's testimony. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Libby is i...