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Showing posts from July, 2024

None of This Is True by Lisa Jewell Book Review

Reasons For Reading This Book: None of This Is True by Lisa Jewell was Jackie's choice for February 2024 for The Readhead's podcast book club. I knew going into this book that is was a thriller and that it centered around a podcast. Other than that I started the book without any other knowledge about it.  Content of This Book: Josie and Alex meet on the night of their forty-fifth birthday while they are both celebrating at the same pub. Even though they are birthday twins and were born in the same hospital, nothing about them is the same, not even the way they are celebrating their birthday's. Alex is with her husband and a group of friends, while Josie is just with her husband at a pub they would normally not go to. Upon learning that they are birthday twins, Josie becomes interested in Alex's podcast and presents to her the idea of sharing her life story on Alex's podcast. The women strike up a complicated relationship that centers around the podcast interviews

Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent Book Review

Reasons For Reading This Book: Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent was the  January  2024 book for The Readheads podcast book club. I had seen a review of this book by @halpreads so I figured that she recommended it to Margo to choose for January 2024. I was correct in this assumption as verified on the podcast. I had no prior knowledge about the book when I started it, I only knew that @halpreads gave it a high rating. I checked it out of the library and started reading it without reading the book’s description.   Content of This Book: Strange Sally Diamond was the nickname given to Sally Diamond by her classmates because she was, well strange. After following what she thought were the correct instructions from her father, to burn his dead body in the incinerator, Sally is swept into an investigation and a world outside of the isolated one she has been living in since childhood. Now everyone including the police, media and locals have an interest in her and her story. With the dea