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Showing posts from May, 2024

The Woman in Me by Britney Spears Book Review

Reason for Reading This Book: The Woman in Me by Britney Spears was the book of the month for December 2023 for the  The Readheads Podcast Book Club . This is the first time this book club has read a memoir. Outside of the book club I have read many celebrity memoirs this year and in years past. Because of the large amount of publicity that this book had leading up to its release, I had high expectations for it. I am on the younger side of the generation that experienced Britney Spears at the height of her pop-star fame. In recent years I have watched a couple of documentaries on the ‘Free Britney Movement’, so going into the book I was moderately familiar with her life and the conservatorship. I had high expectations for this book in both the information she would provide on her life and in the level of writing as it was written in collaboration with a ghost writer. I listened to this book as an audiobook which was read by Michelle Williams.   Content of This Book: Born...

Eight Perfect Murders by Peter Swanson Book Review

Reason for Reading This Book: Eight Perfect Murders by Peter Swanson was recommended to me by my mother. She was reading this book at the time and asked if I was in need of a recommendation and I was. She said it was not a fantastic book but would be a good filler book while I wait for other books I was on the waitlist for. Before I checked it out my mom did give me a short description of the book and it seemed interesting. I also love when we read the same book because then we can talk about them once we both finish. Around the time I started the book my mom texted me to tell me she stayed up later to finish it. This gave me an idea that the plot was captivating.   Content of This Book: Malcom Kershaw is a mystery book seller and owner of Old Devils Bookstore in Boston. Years ago when he first started at the bookstore he complied a list of eight books that in his opinion depict 'perfect' murders. The unsolvable murders are those that are almost impossible to solve. Malcom...