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Showing posts from December, 2024

Wrong Place, Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister Book Review

Reasons For Reading This Book: My mom and sister-in-law have been trying to get me to read Wrong Place, Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister for months. I was finally able to get my hands on the library copy. I knew from talking with them that the story was about a mother going back in time after her son commits a crime. Both of them said they enjoyed the book and could not wait to discuss it with me when I finished. My mom also said that she listened to the audiobook twice, so I had a feeling this book would require concentration so that I fully understood all that was happening.    Content of This Book: It is midnight on Halloween, and Jen is anxiously awaiting her 18-year-old son, Todd's, to return home. After arriving past curfew Jen watches through the window as her happy and funny son stabs a total stranger. Jen does not know the victim nor does she know why Todd has committed this violent act. But in this moment she nows her life, and Todd's, has just changed. With her son...

The Berry Pickers by Amanda Peters Book Review

Reasons For Reading This Book: The Berry Picked by Amanda Peters came across my social media from a few different book Instagram accounts. One I know posted about it is @halpreads. I have like most of the books that I have taken as a recommendation from Emily, so I trusted her again for this one. I read the book description, was semi-interested, so I checked it out from the library.   Content of This Book: It's July 1962 and the A Mi’kmaq family from Nova Scotia has just arrived back in Maine to pick blueberries for the summer. A few weeks into summer four-year-old Ruthie, the family’s youngest child, vanishes. She is last seen by her six-year-old brother, Joe, sitting on a favorite rock at the edge of a berry field. Being the last one to see Ruthie leaves Joe distraught by his sister’s disappearance for years to come.  In Maine, a young girl named Norma grows up as the only child of an affluent family. Her father is emotionally distant, her mother frustratingly overprotectiv...