Reason For Reading This Book: I get my book recommendations from a variety of different people both who are in my life and who I follow on social media. Whenever my best friend recommends a book to me I add it to a list. When it comes time for me to pick another book I find books off of that list that are available at my library or keep an eye out for them when I am thrifting or at a used book store. In December I moved to a different state and started a new job. One of the first things I did when I moved was get a library card. Before going in to get the card I used their online catalogue to see what books on my list were available. After trying for months to get Of Women and Salt by Gabriela Garcia from my pervious library I was finally able to get it from my new library. I have also seen this book in used book stores but never picked it up in hopes of getting it from the library which I was lucky enough to do. Content of This Book: It is present day in Miami and Jeanette...