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Showing posts from June, 2024

The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah Book Review

Reasons For Reading This Book: I get recommendations for books from a number of different sources and one of those is social media. While on social media I came across a video where the reader was sharing their 5 star reads of 2023. Of all the 5 star reads they recommended the one that stood out to me the most was The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah . The only other book I have read of Kristin Hannah's was The Four Wind s. I gave it 2 stars back in 2021 but for some reason I did not remember this so I thought I had liked it a lot more than I did. Anyway, the way the reader in the video described the emotional rollercoaster that is this book, I checked it out from the library and read it over the Christmas Holiday and into the 2024 New Year. I should also mention I have never taken a recommendation from this specific reader before.  Content of This Book: Leni's father, Ernt, is a Vietnam War veteran who came back from the war a changed man, not for the better. He is abusive, angry

Always in December by Emily Stone Book Review

Reason for Reading This Book: At the start of December/end of November I was craving a wintery/Christmas romance novel. After reading some lists online and finding what was available at my library, I chose Always in December by Emily Stone . Prior to reading this book I read no review just the summary provided on the library website.    Content of This Book: It's December in London and Josie is on her way to mail her yearly letter to her parents who passed away many years ago on Christmas. With the letter in hand and biking down the street to the postbox, Josie and a handsome stranger collide. This collision changed the course of both Josie and the stranger's lives. Josie is one to avoid Christmas each year due to the tragedy of losing her parents and the stranger, Max, also has his reasons of his own this year. The two spend a few days together while Max is awaiting a flight to New York. Until Max suddenly disappears without a goodbye. Over the next year, fate continuously bri