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Showing posts from April, 2024

The Reading List by Sara Nisha Admas Book Review

Reasons For Reading This Book: I listened to an episode of  House Guest with Kenzie Elizabeth  where Kenzie, Margo and Emily answered a series of questions about the books they have read. One of the books discussed was  The Reading List by Sara Nisha Adams . This is a book that has been on my reading list for a while and I just recently got around to reading it. I knew from the discussion on the podcast that it was a plot that did not require much thought , I figured that this would be the perfect book to read over the Thanksgiving holiday as I knew I would not have much time to devote to reading and would want a book that would not require much concentration as my focus would be other places during that week.  Content of This Book: Reluctantly Aleisha begins her summer job at the library her older brother, Adian used to work at. Aleisha is not a reader and this becomes an issue when she is asked by library patron Muskesh for a book recommendation...

Summer Sisters by Judy Blume Book Review

Reasons For Reading This Book: I listened to an episode of House Guest with Kenzie Elizabeth  where Kenzie, Margo and Emily answered a series of questions about the books they have read. One of the books discussed was Summer Sisters by Judy Blume . Even though I listened to this episode a while ago I didn't get around to reading the book until recently. Summer Sisters piqued my interest not only because of the author but because of the praise given to it in the episode. I read Judy Blume growing up and was excited about the idea of reading one of her adult books.  Content of This Book: While working in her Manhattan office, Victoria Leonard answers the phone and on the other line is Caitlin, her oldest friend who she hasn't spoken to in months. Caitlin breaks news to Vix that takes her breath away--and Vix is transported back in time to when she met Caitlin and was swept into the Somers family, their world of privilege, summer adventures and sexual exploration. The bond formed...