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Showing posts from November, 2018

Bullet Journal List Spread Ideas

One of my favorite types of spreads to create in my digital bullet journal is list spreads. I find creating list spreads to be a creative way for me to compile my thoughts into so sort of order. Every list spread has a purpose, whether that be somewhere to make a to do list, packing list, or just a fun spread where I can be creative. In this blog post I will share some of my favorite list spreads that I have made in the hope of inspiring you for your bullet journal. As I mentioned I plan digitally using an iPad and the application  GoodNotes  and  Bargain Depot Stylus 2 Pack  from Amazon. If you are curious to why I plan digitally you should check out my blog post  Switching to a Digital Planner-Paperless Planning . Packing Lists The list spread that I make the most are packing lists. These packing lists range from weekends spent at home to week long beach vacations. The process of creating one of these spreads usually begins with me using the notes appl...

Bullet Journal Spreads For Book Lovers

If you have been following my blog for the past year, then you will know that I made a resolution to read and review a book for every month of 2018. When it came to organizing my book lists and my progress while reading, I had to create a few different bullet journal spreads for everything to do with books. In this blog post I will share with you the bullet journal spreads that I think every book lover should use. I plan on an iPad using the application  GoodNotes  and  Bargain Depot Stylus 2 Pack  from Amazon. If you are curious to why I plan digitally you should check out my blog post  Switching to a Digital Planner-Paperless Planning . Book Shelf Hands down my favorite book related spread that I have created thus far in my bullet journal is my book shelf. After I have finish a book I add it to the shelf. Since the basic idea of this spread is so simple you can easily make it your own my adding different plants or nicknacks to the shelf. You can also c...

October Book Review: The Bees

My Reasons For Reading This Book My mom read this book a few months ago and just raved about how imaginative and creative this book was and said that I had to read The Bees by Laline Paull .  Content of This Book This book follows the life of Flora 717 a sanitation worker, the lowest of the low in the ranking of the hive. It quickly becomes apparent that she is not like the other bees. As the book progresses trouble surrounding the survival of the hive. Flora begins entertaining her curiosity which starts to get her into trouble. But her qualities of strength and courage lead her to be able to help the hive in ways that a sanitation normally would not be able to do. Flora breaks the most scared law- questioning the Queen Bee's fertility. The hive is run in an ancient societal way in which everyone has a class or a ranking and the Queen is the only one who can breed. 717's adventures take her outside of the hive and into the really world where she is faced with challe...

Tips For Slowly Going Paperless

Over the past few months I have become more and more interested in switching from paper to electronic. My reasons for doing this are due to the fact that I have learned from my courses ( I am an environmental studies major) of the benefits of using the technology that I have versus purchasing new notebooks or other paper products. In the following I will describe the small changes that I have made and any suggestionss of how you can do the same. Paperback to iBook There are many benefits when it comes to buying iBooks/ ebooks instead of  hardback  or paperback books. This is a switch that was easy for me and I suggest it as a first step for anyone who is working towards going paperless. I made the switch unintentionally. I had just finished a book that took me way to long to read and I was looking for a new book to start. Due to the fact that I am at college and do not have a book store with a large selection within walking distance, I turned to iBooks to find my ...