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Ideas For Digital Bullet Journal Spreads

Ideas For Digital Bullet Journal Spreads

Why a digital bullet journal?

I use GoodNotes for my digital planning. I found that digital planning met the needs that I had when it comes to planning. Which are access anywhere and everywhere I am and I am trying to use a little paper as possible. To read more about GoodNotes and what I think of the application you can read my blog post Taking Notes on an iPad . I either use the Bargain Depot Stylus 2 Pack or the PILOT G2 Pen Stylus.

Spreads to Get Your Bujo Started

Starting with a recap of what you loved about the year before and your goals for the new year are two spreads that a great to start of your journal and are easy to access since they are at the front. I chose not to have a index since GoodNotes allows you to view the whole notebook at once, but if you want an index good right ahead. 
The next three pages I have are my year at of glance for 2018/future log.
I use this section to track major events that are happening on a specific day or days (holidays, appointments, etc.) By using a color coding system I am able to identify the importance of that event.


The following section of my digital bullet journal is my tracker section. I use a variety of different trackers to track a number of different things. 
A tracker that doesn't get much use, but that I love very much is my where have I been tracker. This is where I track what states in the United States I have visited. Here is the link to the United States Map that I used for this spread.

The next tracker that I have is my Mood Tracker or commonly referred to as a Year in Pixels. I talk more about tracking my mood in my blog post Bullet Journal Spreads I Actually Kept Up With


My next tracker is my Instagram Tracker for When I Should Be Studying . I have yet to reach one of my milestones, but still love the appearance of this spread.

I have previously spoke on how I enjoy tracking my TV and Netflix series. Since I have transitioned this spread to be digital this is what it now looks like. I use the highlighter feature on GoodNotes as my makers. I also stuck with the rainbow color scheme.

I track the books and movies that I have read/watched and what I want to read/watch.

The last spread that I will be talking about for this post is my monthly reviews. This is a new spread for me and I will have to report back and see if I am successful with it or not.

Future Plans For Bujo Blog Posts

I have already created a number of different weekly spreads for my digital bullet journal and I am excited to share those in a future blog post. Happy planning!!!


Don't forget to follow my Instagram account @whenishouldbestudying
While you are at it you can also follow my Pinterest @whenishouldbestudying


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