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What I Learned in 2017

What I Learned in 2017

As a year 2017 was one for the books. It was filled with loads of excitement, new experiences, challenges, lots of change, and quite a bit of self growth. 

2017 New Year's Resolutions

I think this is the first year I have ever completed a New Year's Resolution and kept up with it throughout the entire year. My New Year's Resolution for 2017 was a common one, but my experience with it was far from the norm. I started 2017 wanting to create a healthy lifestyle with the goal of losing weight. I plan to have a separate post discussing my weight loss journey. When it came to completing this resolution was successful and even surpassed what I expected to achieve. 

Life Lessons

While in high school and college I had experiences where I needed to step up and become an advocate for myself. This was something I had never had to do before because I had been relying on others to be my voice. 
In order to achieve the success that you want you have to out in the effort. Going along with this even if the results you expected were not what you ended with, know that you put in the effort and learned for next time.

 What I Loved Most About 2017

  • Declaring my major for college
  • Getting my first job and absolutely loving it
  • Graduating
  • Stranger Things seasons 1 & 2
  • Riverdale season 1 & 2
  • Going to Disney World 
  • Going to Universal Studios
  • Prom and dress shopping
  • Getting back into running 
  • Finally starting a blog
  • Going to my first college football game
  • Getting my driver's license 
  • Touring a tiny house- Creative Animal Tour
  • Completing my first semester of college
  • Watching Sydney Leroux play and getting to meet her
  • Losing weight/ healthier lifestyle
  • Starting a bullet journal
  • Concerts
  • Looking to God in times of trouble and always thanking him for my blessings
Don't forget to stay up to date on my blog by following my social media accounts!
Instagram: @whenishouldbestudying
Pinterest: @whenishouldbestudying


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