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My Favorite Low FODMAP Grocery Store Finds

Going low fodmap can be hard and finding low fodmap products at the grocery story can be even harder. Since I went low fodmap in May of 2018 there have been so many new low fodmap products have hit the selfs of big name grocery stores. If you are interested in my experience with starting the low fodmap diet check out my blog post How I Survived My First Two Weeks of Being Low Fodmap. I also have a blog post on Low Fodmap Snack Ideas. In that blog post I also share other low fodmap products that you can find at any grocery store. In this blog post I will be talking more specifically about certified low fodmap products and certified gluten free products.


Fody is a company that sells certified low fodmap products. Fody is great because you can purchase products from their website or use the store locator to find a store that sells the products near you. I first saw Fody products in Hy-Vee in June of 2018. My favorite Fody products that I have been able to get at the grocery store instead of ordering off their website are the Ketchup, BBQ Sauce, Tomato and Basil Pasta Sauce, Garlic Infused Olive Oil, Dark Chocolate, Nuts and Sea Salt Bars, and Taco Seasoning. All of these items have become staples in my pantry and I cannot recommend them enough. To me these products do not taste any different compared to the non-low fodmap versions.


Glutino is a certified gluten free company, but does not have a low fodmap certification. With that being said I have still found products that are low fodmap. Hy-Vee has always carried a number of Glutino products two of my favorite are the Chocolate Vanilla Creme Cookies (basically a gluten free Oreo- they do contain soy, but soy products that are fine for the elimination phase of low fodmap) and the Bread Crumbs. I use the bread crumbs to make Homemade Chicken Nuggets, one of my favorite low fodmap recipes. I literally make it every week; its the perfect meal prep meal. As of December 2, 2018 you can no longer purchase the bread crumbs in store, they can only be purchased online. Glutino also has a store locator feature on their website.

Chocolate Chips

I grew up in a household with a chocolate obsessed mother. No joke we always had 4:00 chocolate. Meaning that at 4:00 we all at our daily dose of chocolate. As I mentioned in How I Survived My First Two Weeks of Being Low Fodmap, I have been milk free for half of my life. So I have done my fare share of testing milk free chocolates. Of all the milk free chocolate that I have tried, I have two favorites. Both Enjoy Life and Lily's do not advertise that some of their products are low fodmap. My two favorite types of low fodmap chocolate chips are Enjoy Life Semi-Sweet Chocolate Mini Chips and No Sugar Added Lily's Baking Chips. Both of these brands' websites have a feature where you can find a store near you to purchase them yourself, Lily's Store Locator and Enjoy Life Store Locator.

Let me know if you have any favorite low fodmap products.

Don't forget to stay up to date on my blog by following my social media accounts!
Instagram: @whenishouldbestudying
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