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April Book Review 2019: Fangirl

Reasons For Reading This Book

After reading Eleanor and Park last month, I wanted to read another book by Rainbow Rowell. Ever since my mom read Fangirl she has been telling me how much it parallels my twin sister and I's lives. In the past I have read books with twins and absolutely loved them, as I can relate to their feelings of being a twin. Unlike Cath and Wren from Fangirl, my twin and I are fraternal twins and barely look like sisters let alone twins. The fact that this book is so similar to my life made me have to read it just to see if what everyone has been telling me was true. Let me tell you, this book is freaky similar to my current life.

Content of This Book

Cath and Wren are identical twins who just started their freshman year of college at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Even through they are identical the two have contrasting personalities and interests. Not only does Cath the narrator of this book struggle to adjust to life in college, but she also struggles with her relationship with her sister and her highly demanding hobby of writing Simon Snow fanfiction. Cath is a well known fanfiction writer who is racing to complete her story "Carry On" before the last book in the Simon Snow series is published. Well in her first year of college Cath experiences heartbreak, plagiarism, the forming and breaking of friendships, writers block, and of course love. 

What I Liked About This Book

Well first of all I loved that Cath is very similar to me and that we both had similar experiences in our first year at UNL. I abosultley love that Rainbow Rowell incorporated aspects of UNL that only students or alumni would understand because it made me feel as through she was writing this book specifically for me. I connected with Cath in a way that I have never done before with a character in any book that I have read. She has a fanifiction following and I have a blog, Instagram, and Pinterest following. I can relate to Cath when she was constantly staying in while she sister went out and partied, this was the same case for my twin and I in our first year of college and continues to be the same today. I loved the length of the chapters and how quickly the book read. Unlike Eleanor and Park, I easily understood a majority of the pop culture references, but also the UNL ones as well. I feel as though the messages of this book were fitting for the age group at which it is directed towards. The book includes messages of accepting failure, family struggles, the rise and falls of relationship, the transition from high school to college, and much more. 

What I Disliked About This Book

As a Harry Potter fan and reader of the series, I understood that this book was based on the idea of fans writing fanfiction during the publishing of the sixth and seventh book of the series. By the way I only know this is because my mom explained it to me. Unfortunately, I found the fanfiction sections to only slightly relate to the main message of the chapter. Most of the time I really wasn't able to follow what was happening in the fanfiction sections of the chapter. I found it more beneficial when she included the Simon Snow portions into more of the chapter so that I understood more of what was happening. The only other thing that I disliked about this book is that I feel as though the ending of the book left me with questions that I would have preferred to have had answered.

Would I Recommend This Book?

Without a doubt I would recommend this book. Aside from the Simon Snow fanfiction portions of this novel I loved everything about it. Even though most people probably can't relate to the characters and location of the novel, it is still an entraining and well written book. This book would be a perfect graduation gift to anyone who is graduating high school and is preparing for college. I would say without a doubt that I enjoyed and related to this book much more than I did to Eleanor and Park. 

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Check out my book reviews for 2019!!


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