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What I Learned From Year 1 of My Weight Loss Journey

What I Learned From My Weight Loss Journey

As I previously talked about in my last blog post What I Learned in 2017, one of my 2017 New Year's Resolutions was to live a healthier lifestyle with the goal of losing weight. In this post I will go into why this became one of my resolutions, past struggles with my weight/appearance, and my tips and tricks for how I surpassed my weight goal in one year.

What pushed me to want to loose weight?

Early in the year of 2016 I struggled with a number of health problems that caused me to have a lack of appetite and when I did eat I experienced extreme stomach aches. After getting that under control through months of water therapy, I was finally able to eat, but this new found ability to eat again led me into a phase where I was eating large portions and not the healthiest of options. In December of 2016 I was trying on dresses for a school dance. I ordered a size small, with up to this point had always fit me. Lets just say there was no way this dress was going to zip up. So after this moment I decided that I would make lifestyles changes with the hope of loosing some weight. So what did I do?

How did I get started?

1) I examined what I was eating on a daily basis
2) Chose where I could lessen the portion I was consuming (when I started I was eating 3 (gluten free, milk free, chocolate chip oatmeal cookies) at lunch, I cut down to 2, then 1 and eventually eliminated them from my diet all together)
3) For some foods I completely cut them out of my diet right off the bat (I no longer had peanut butter when I had an apple)
4) I also found that by limiting the amount of gluten and starch that I was consuming helped me to feel physically better, which led to me wanting to workout

I started slowly (with I highly recommend). I began by walking around my neighborhood at quite a quick pass. I would walk about three times a week. Not everyone is going to have the same results, but by doing this I lost all of the fat I had on back (love handles). Since I already owned and enjoyed it, I would do a Just Dance 30 minute workout on my Wii. I had access to Firm Express- Get Thin in 30. With this exercise program I followed the exercise plan, but not the eating plan. After 30 days I lost about 3 pounds and a few inches. While doing the Firm Express I also incorporated strength training with light weights. 


As previously being a runner and knowing that I enjoyed it, I slowly worked my way back into it. I started with doing interval training in my neighborhood. Once I started college I had access to a gym. This is where I really started to see the results that I wanted. Just a random thing I learned about myself during running is that podcasts put me to sleep. I had to create a pump-up Spotify playlist.

What I Learned

Don't think of weight loss as dieting, but as making healthy lifestyle changes.
Every time you step on the scale you are not going to see a lower number/the number you expected to see and you just have to accept that and make a game plan for how you are going to achieve it next time you weigh in. 
I found that weighing in at the same time on the same day of the week was the best for me.
From this experience, which is not complete, is having a schedule for what you are going to eat and when you are going to workout helped me stay on track.
Last thing, don't keep temptation foods in the house.

Don't forget to stay up to date on my blog by following my social media accounts!
Instagram: @whenishouldbestudying
Pinterest: @whenishouldbestudying


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