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Dealing With Allergies and Dietary Restrictions in College

Dealing With Food Allergies and Dietary Restrictions in College

Step 1

Do your research. Look on your school's website and see if they have a director of university dinning services. I know mind does. 

Step 2

If you are planning to make a visit to the school schedule a meeting with the head of dinning or director. 
From my experience of doing this I meet with the director of university dinning and we went to one of the dinning halls and campus and my parent and I were shown how read the labels that they place on the food and where special allergy food was kept in the kitchen. I was also instructed to make the staff aware of who I was (my name) and what my allergies are (milk and choose to be gluten free). If the staff knows you and what your dietary needs are they can better help you when questions arise.

Special Meals

The dinning hall connected to my resistance hall offers a special menu for those with specific allergies. With that menu I am able to call the dinning hall and place an order from that menu and have it ready at a specific time. I know that this might not be available at every dinning hall, but make sure to ask and see if it is an option. Not all of the dinning halls at my university offer this.

Favorite Foods

Another feature that the dinning hall I most commonly eat at, will purchase specific foods for you upon request. For example, I eat salads quite regularly and use a non-dairy ranch, my university allows me to store this in a milk free refrigerator in the kitchen. The staff attempted to purchase it for me when I was out, but was unable to find it in the area. But having this as an option allows for you to still enjoy the treats and food that you are used to having from home. 

Themed Meals

The dinning halls at my university also have themed dinners or lunches every couple of weeks. At these meals the kitchen staff also prepare the same or similar dished without common allergies.



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