April Book Review: Columbine

My Reasons For Reading This Book
As someone who was only a few months old when the tragedy of Columbine occurred, I did not have much knowledge on a historic event that greatly effected the United States. After the Parkland School shooting on February, 14 2018, I become interested in reading peoples opinions and research on school shooters. I came across Columbine by Dave Cullen and thought that it would be a good read that fit all the topics I was currently interested in.
Content of the Book
This book breaks down the myths that surround the Columbine massacre that took place on April 20, 1999. The myths that are explained is the martyr student, that bullying by jocks was the reason for the attack, depression was a cause, and if the killers were apart of the Trench Coat Mafia. The author of the book is Dave Cullen who fist reported on the massacre and then took his interest to the next level by taking ten years to write this book. Cullen collected evidence from the police investigation, interviews and from professions and specialists on the various topics discussed in the book. For example, one of the main questions that came to be following the massacre was if Eric or Dylan were psychopaths or not.
What I Liked About the Book
I really enjoyed the organization of the chapters and content of the book. The book started with the school events occurred in the days before the massacre, days following, and then went into the meat of the book which was examining the lives of the killers and the individual lives of the victims and their families. The organization of the content of the book made it easy to follow the story. I really appreciated the incite of the professions and individuals who were affected.
What I Disliked About the Book
One thing that I disliked about this book was that once I got about half way through, the pace of the book seemed to slow down and I ended up becoming uninterested and had to force myself to continue reading. Going along with that, I also found some parts of the book to drag on or become repetitive.
Would I Recommend this Book?
Yes, I would recommend this book to anyone who is curious or interested in one of the most well-known school shootings. This book does have its slow parts so I would not recommend it to someone who has trouble staying interested in a book. Its more informational than thrilling.
Check out my past book reviews for more thrilling reads!
March Book Review: Gone Girl
February Book Review: The Woman in the Window
January Book Review: The Worst Hard Time
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Check out my past book reviews for more thrilling reads!
March Book Review: Gone Girl
February Book Review: The Woman in the Window
January Book Review: The Worst Hard Time
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