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How I Survived My First 2 Weeks of Being Low FODMAP

In this blog post I am going to explain why low fodmap is the right eating plan for me. I will give the pros and cons that I have experienced in my first two weeks for being low fodmap. I also included what I eat in a day, both regular and workout days. I also share some of the low fodmap recipes that I tried, loved and recommend. This post also includes some of the low fodmap foods that I try and will continue to repurchase.


For as long as I can remember I have at least one stomach ache a day. One of my doctors referred me to an allergist and immunologist. Through discussing what I eat each day and when I get a stomach ache, the doctor was confident that if I ate a low fodmap diet I would no longer have stomach aches. Prior to being low fodmap I had been milk free for eight years and rarely ate gluten. 

First Two Weeks Being Low FODMAP

I was so excited and ready to give the low fodmap diet/eating plan a try because I had high hopes that it would work and eliminate my stomach aches. Even with all of the excitement I still had to get over the fact that I would not be able to eat some of my favorite foods. I had not made changes such as eliminating foods from my diet in a while so I went into it prepared to miss these specific foods watermelon (my all-time favorite food), mushrooms (a topping on my daily salad), and apples (my daily snack). I knew this diet would require many adjustments and would result in cravings of these foods. During my first two weeks of being low fodmap I craved watermelon like crazy and tried to subside the craving by eating cantaloupe. I would have to say that my transition into low fodmap was probably easier compared to others because I when I started I was already milk free and gluten free. I have found that the FODMAP A to Z app is very helpful resource to use to quickly look of different foods. Note this application does not have name brand food items, but I still recommend it for anyone who is new to the low fodmap diet. 

Pros of Being Low FODMAP

As long as I did not over eat on the low fodmap foods, I rarely had a stomach ache at all during the first two weeks. 
Another positive was that my skin cleared up and has been the best it has been in over four years. What I mean by this is that the inflammation coursed by eating foods that did not agree with me caused me to have acne like flare-ups on my face. Since going low fodmap my skin has improved drastically.
The last positive that I can think that has come from eating low fodmap is that I no longer get hiccups after eating every meal. It took a rare occasion of having hiccups to remind me that I used to have them after every time I ate. 

Cons of Being Low FODMAP

TMI, it took almost the first two weeks for my bowel movements to return to normal. This did result in a little bit of discomfort, but went away when my bowel movements regulated.
The struggle of eating out is unreal. I have only done it a few times and two of the three were a pain because I had to ask about every ingredient because the restaurant did not have a detailed menu (at the restaurant or online). I did find a few pins that were helped me know what I could get from certain restaurants. (Panera low fodmap menu items, Chipotle low fodmap menu items)
Accepting that you are going to have craving for foods that you can no longer eat is hard and takes a lot of will power to not cave in an eat these foods. Like I said earlier I craved watermelon also everyday for the first two weeks.

Favorite Low FODMAP Recipes

Favorite Low FODMAP items 

What I Eat in a Regular Day

  • 1/2 cup of old fashion oats with brown sugar
  • 2 cups of baby spinach, diced cucumber, 1 medium carrot, pumpkin seeds, lemon vinaigrette, 4 slices of deli ham, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and grapes
  • Cantaloupe and banana with almond butter and chocolate chips
  • Pork chops, grilled chicken, homemade chicken nuggets, meatloaf, rice, tacos, steamed vegetables, gluten free pasta with homemade pasta sauce, zucchini noodles with homemade pasta sauce 
  • Donut, popsicle or ice cream 

What I Eat in a Workout Day

  • Banana 
  • Cantaloupe
  • 2 cups of baby spinach, diced cucumber, 1 medium carrot, pumpkin seeds, lemon vinaigrette, 4 slices of deli ham, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and grapes
  • Chips and salsa or gluten free bread toasted with almond butter and a clementine orange
  • Pork chops, grilled chicken, homemade chicken nuggets, meatloaf, rice, tacos, steamed vegetables, gluten free pasta with homemade pasta sauce, zucchini noodles with homemade pasta sauce 
  • Donut, popsicle or ice cream
I would love to hear if you are new to low fodmap or if you have been low fodmap for a while now. Let me know what your favorite low fodmap foods are.

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