Over the past few months I have become more and more interested in switching from paper to electronic. My reasons for doing this are due to the fact that I have learned from my courses ( I am an environmental studies major) of the benefits of using the technology that I have versus purchasing new notebooks or other paper products. In the following I will describe the small changes that I have made and any suggestionss of how you can do the same.
Paperback to iBook
There are many benefits when it comes to buying iBooks/ ebooks instead of hardback or paperback books. This is a switch that was easy for me and I suggest it as a first step for anyone who is working towards going paperless. I made the switch unintentionally. I had just finished a book that took me way to long to read and I was looking for a new book to start. Due to the fact that I am at college and do not have a book store with a large selection within walking distance, I turned to iBooks to find my next read. While making this switch I realized that it has more benefits that I imagined. Having access to the book on my iPhone, iPad, and laptop makes for easy access to it at all times. I no longer have to think about putting a book in my backpack, its right there on my phone. Even though paper is recyclable, it is best to eliminate as much paper from your life as possible. Reducing the amount of recycling going to recycling centers and the amount of waste going to landfills is better for the environment in the long run.
Paper towel to hand towel
I stopped using paper towels after the first or second week of living in the dorms at my university, my freshman year. I am currently a sophomore. I started to see the amount that I was using and came to the realization that I own a hand towel why don’t I just carry that with me. This switch took more of an effort and I had to add it to my routines. This includes carrying a hand towel in my school backpack and purse. This switch has the same benefits as mentioned for the above suggestion.
Paper to notes application
At the start of 2018 I transitioned to using the notes app on my iPhone, iPad and laptop to make to do lists and shopping lists instead of paper lists. I have found that these are more convenient anyway. I do not have to think about forgetting the list or a writing utensil because the list is on my phone. I find the bullet points with the check feature on the notes application on Apple products to be very useful.
Paperless Planning
If you have been following my blog or social media accounts at all, then you would know that I plan digitally. I use the application Goodnotes. For more information on how I do this and why I chose to do so check out my blog post Switching to a Digital Planner-Paperless Planning.
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