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2018 New Year's Resolution Update

2018 was the first year I ever set New Year's Resolutions. My family were never ones to make resolutions. As a goal oriented person it is odd that I had never made resolutions prior to 2018. In this blog post I will share the resolutions I made at the beginning of the year. For each resolution I will update on wether I achieved it and if I plan to make a similar resulting for 2019. For another blog post that is similar to this post check out What I Learned In 2017.

Run 10 Miles Without Stopping

In August of 2017 I got back into running. Shortly after getting back into running I fell in love with it and starting setting goals for myself. It wasn't until December that I made the resolution/goal to run 10 miles without stopping. This is a distance I had never run before. I am happy to report that I did achieve this goal not too long into 2018. As of now I am strength training and am not running more than 2 miles at a time, so running 10 miles without stopping is not a resolution or goal for 2019.

Run a Half Marathon

Going along with my first resolution or goal, I also made the goal of running my first half marathon. I seriously started training in October of 2017 and ran my first half marathon on May 21 2018. I actually have a blog post on My First Half Marathon Experience, so for more information on that check out that post. As mentioned in the last goal I am strength training and am not planning on run-ing any races in 2019 as of now.

Personal Reads

There was a period of time in 2017 where I started to become addicted to social media, YouTube and being on my iPad and phone. As a way to distance myself my social media I decided that I would start reading more personal reads. When I say personal reads I mean books that I chose and are not assigned for course work. I made a resolution for 2018 to read a book every month. I was able to complete this goal and also reviewed all of the books I read on my blog. My lasted review I did was November Book Review: Visible Empire. At the end of that blog post I have all of the books and reviews listed.

Make New Friends

I am a very introverted person and have always struggled to have the desire to make friends and want to be in social settings. When 2018 came to a close I had finished my first semester of college and not made any new friends. Once I realized that my twin sister, her roommate and my roommate (the four of us our best friends) had all made friends and I had not, I knew it was time for me to step out of my comfort zone and start to make friends. During my second semester of college I became friends with someone who is in the same major as I am. It wasn't until my third semester of college that we became really good friends. Even though I only really made one friend, she is a true friend who I am so grateful to have. For 2019 I have made the resolution to hang out more in my apartment living room with my roommates and go out more with them.

Blog: When I Should Be Studying

When I thinking of this resolution I just smile from ear to ear. I started this blog in November of 2017 because I came across an Instagram post that sparked me to have to make a response. Shortly after that I become inspired and made the resolution of keeping up my blog. I posted a blog post every week of 2018. As a full time student during the fall and spring and working part time and taking classes during the summer I did not miss a week. I was also able to post almost daily on blog Instagram starting in the summer of 2018. 

Zero Waste

As an environmental studies major and someone who is very passionate about doing my part to live a life with concern for my effect on the environment, I made the resolution of working towards zero waste. As of the end of 2018 I am no where near being zero waste, but I have significantly reduce the amount of waste that I produce. If you are interested in my Zero Waste Goals For 2019 check out that blog post. At the end of that blog post I included other zero waste and sustainability blog posts of mine. 

Learn To Cook

Even though I was not living on my own at the start of 2018 I wanted to start to learn to cook so that I could make dinner for myself during the summer and once I moved into my apartment in August of 2018. While I was living at home during the summer my mom taught me how to make some meals, but more of learning I did was by making cooking and baking on my own. Check out my Instagram post to see some of the recipes that I have learned to cook. Clearly this is not everything I have learned to make.

Tighten My Stomach

The area of my body that I am the most self conscious about is my stomach. This is where I hold most of my weight. After I was done with my half marathon training I wanted to focus on strength training specifically my stomach and abs. I have made a lot of progress, but am still not satisfied and will continue to work on tightening my stomach in 2019. 

I hope that my 2018 New Year's Resolution Update will inspire you to make and keep resolutions for 2019.

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