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Must Have Apps for College Students

To give a little preface to this blog post I am a senior Environmental Studies major and Environmental Education minor. Over the past four years in college I have found a number of different apps that help me to not only succeed in my school work, but that also help me in other areas of my life. In this blog post I will be sharing some of my favorite apps that I recommend all college students consider using. 


When it comes to music subscription services I recommend Spotify because they have a student package that also includes a subscription to Hulu. Some of the features of Spotify that are helpful to students is the ability to create your own playlists. This allows you to create a playlist specific to your needs. This could either be for working out or while studying. On Spotify you can find a playlist to fit any need that you have. This app is great because you are listen to music or podcasts on your walks or drives to class, while working out and while studying.
    Favorite Playlists for Studying:

Pocket Points

Pocket Points is an app that rewards you will points when you lock your phone. The points that you earn can then be redeemed for in-store or online coupons for a wide range of retailers. Lock your phone while you study, are in lecture or watching a lecture, and even while you are driving. 


This next app will not necessarily help you in your studies while in college, but it can help you to save money. ibotta is an app that gives you cash back when you scan your receipts from the grocery store. The way it works is that you select the items that you purchased from the grocery store and then scan your receipt to earn cash back. To get started click this link and you and I will both receive cash.  My referral code is votrrsc. 

Fetch Rewards

Fetch Rewards is another app for saving money on groceries. Instead of cash back, Fetch gives you points for redeeming receipts that can then be redeemed for gift cards. Unlike ibotta you do not have to put items on a list before scanning your receipt. To get started click this link and you and I will both receive points. My referral code is FYV8A.

GoodNotes can be used for note taking, making study guides, planning, and completing online homework. GoodNotes is an app that I use every day for both school and personal use. If you have followed my blog at all then you know that I praise GoodNotes as the best app to use for planning or bullet journaling.
If you struggle with procrastinating/scheduling check out my blog post How To Create Routine Bujo Spreads. This can help you come up with a school and study schedule. 

Here is a list of blog posts that I have made that use GoodNotes:

This is a free app where you can create more than one grocery or shopping lists. Having an app dedicated to a shopping list will help you to only buy what is on you list. Having a running list allows you to add items as you find you need them between trips to the grocery store. While shopping you tap on the item to check it off. 

Group Me is a messaging app that can be used by all phones. The functions of the app are for group chats or group messages and for private or direct messaging. A function that I am constantly using in this app is the poll feature. This feature allows you to send a poll to the group. The app functions like a regular messaging app but is more cohesive for all types of phones.

If you are not tracking your menstrual cycle on your phone what are you doing? I highly recommend using an app to track your menstrual cycle. As long as you log when you start and stop your cycle, the app does the rest of the work for you. For more information on the features of this app check out my blog post: Review of Flo Period and Ovulation Track App. I will note that this review was two years ago and the app has since added features that are not included in the review.

If you have an Apple product, I highly recommend that you start using the Reminders app that is already downloaded on your device. I use reminders like alarms to remind myself for when I need to do a number of different things. Specifically for college students you can set reminders for a certain time prior to when your class starts whether thats in-person or on Zoom. I will set a reminder for 15 minutes before class starts on Zoom so I can be ready when it starts. If you have in-person classes set the reminder for when you need to leave for class. You can also set the reminders for due dates, club meetings, when to put the trash, compost, and recycling on the curb, when to pay bills, and when to do laundry. There are endless uses for what you can set a reminder for. 

Like the reminders app, if you have an Apple product there is a notes app already downloaded on your phone. You can use the notes app to make to do lists, lists of homework, grocery lists, meal plans, and much more. You can use this app to take notes for class, but I do not recommend that.

If you do not have an Apple product or want an app designed to track habits, then I recommend Habit Hub. The free version allow you to track three habits. For each habit you set a time and frequency. The app will remind you at the set time and you can then check whether or not you have completed the task. As I talked about in How I Manage My ADHD in Quarantine, I use this app to track when I take medications and if I have read for 30 minutes a day. For college students you could use this app to track habits like completing all your homework for the day (section into a habit for each class), and personal care tasks like working out, journaling, and drinking water. To upgrade to unlimited habits its a one time payment of $2.99 plus tax. This is a great way to see how much you can get done in a certain time frame. 

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