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August Book Review 2019: Alex and Eliza: A Love Story

"There's a million things I haven't done, just you wait." - Alexander Hamilton 

Reasons For Reading This Book

Some of you may know that I am a huge fan of the Broadway musical Hamilton. I listen to the soundtrack at least every other day and had the amazing opportunity to attend the Broadway musical in October of 2018. Spoiler, I am going again in September of 2109. As I have mentioned before my mother is a big reader and is always on the lookout for books that I might want to read when she is at the library. While at one of her book clubs she came across Alex and Eliza: A Love Story and knew instantly that she had to see if I was interested in reading it. Honestly she didn't even have to really ask to know that I would love reading this book. Another reason she knew I would love this book is because Eliza Schuyler is my favorite "character" from the musical. In conclusion I chose to read this book because of my love for Hamilton the musical and to learn more about Alex and Eliza's love story. With that being said I knew that parts of the book were fictionalized and not historically accurate.

Content of This Book

This young adult book depicts the whirlwind and history making love story of Alexander Hamilton a strong-headed immigrant and Eliza Schuyler a high-society New Yorker. As the American Revolution is underway the Schuyler's throw a grand ball in an attempt to find wealthy husbands for their three eldest daughters, Angelica, Eliza and Peggy. With her interest in aiding the colonists' efforts to become independent, Eliza is excited to meet Alexander Hamilton the perplexing man that is General George Washington's right-hand man. The accidental meeting of Eliza and Alex kickstarted an unforgettable love story that would not only shape their lives, but also the history of America. 

What I Liked About This Book

I would like to mention that Melissa de la Cruz has stated that she constructed this book on historic facts, but also weaved in fictionalized parts to further enhance the store or to fill in pieces that are unknown. 
I liked that this book incorporated the perspective of different characters or people, since these people really did live. The main point of views were from Eliza and Alex but Mrs. Schuyler also took hold of the narrative throughout the book as well. Hearing of others options on Eliza and Alex's interest in one another gave the book depth that other love stories are missing.
In my option the choice to write the book in chronological order makes the most sense not only because its the easiest way to tell a story, but also because it brings in the feeling of the American history portions of the book in a way that doesn't feel like reading a textbook. I appreciate the Melissa de la Cruz's choice to include the month, year and location in which each chapter was taking place. This also added to more of the feeling that this book is about real people and their lives.
Another characteristic of this book that I really liked the fast pace writing style. As a reader who reads both young adult and adult, I concluded that the reason for the quick pace of the plot is due to it being a young adult novel.
Even with it being a young adult novel I was still just as interested in it and found the writing style to be of high quality and would easily be enjoyed by both young adults and adults.
I could go on forever about the positive qualities of this book, I would like to finish by saying that I thoroughly enjoyed the sneaky addition of phrases from Lin-Manuel Miranda's musical Hamilton. The entire month of July I had Hamilton quotes stuck in my head due to this book. 

What I Disliked About This Book

Honestly the only thing I can think of that I disliked about this book was that occasionally minor characters were quickly introduced and you barley kept up with who they were before the interjected themselves into the book and then left just as quickly. 

Would I Recommend This Book?

I would recommend this book to a lot of people, but would first have to have an understanding of their interest level in Hamilton the musical. I say that because I found that already having known the musical helped me to understand parts of the book that I feel that those who didn't already know the story would not understand of appreciate as much. So with that being said I would recommend it and am personally going to continue reading the next two books in the trilogy before I see the musical again in September. Like I previously said I would recommend it to those who read at both the young adult and adult level. 

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Check out my book reviews for 2019!!


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