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The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo Book Review

Reasons for reading this book

The simple answer to why I read this book is that my best friend and I trade books all the time. She read this book and thought I would like it so she lent me her copy. Prior to her giving me the book I had heard the title but did not know anything about the story. So shout out to my best friend for recommending this book and letting me read her copy. I started reading The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid with no expectations and no knowledge of what the story was about. I tend it just start the book without reading the back. I read and reviewed this book back at the start of June and it was the perfect time for me to read this book as I had little going on and could completely immerse myself in it.

Content of the book

After stepping away from the spotlight Evelyn Hugo is ready to tell reporter Monique Grant her life story. She breaks down both the truth about her glamorous life as a Hollywood icon and the many scandals she found herself in. Clearly Evelyn Hugo has an agenda or why would she pick unknown magazine reported Monique Grant. Monique spends her days listening to Evelyn tell her life story beginning with moving to Los Angeles in the 1950s, through her seven marriages, determination to be the best, unexpected friendships, her exit from the spot light in the 1980s, and of course her forbidden love. As Evelyn nears the end of her life story it becomes known to Monique why she was chosen and how their lives intersect in the most tragic and irreversible way possible. 


There are many types of love. What defines a soul mate? What is sexuality and how is it different for every person? Do you truly only have one soul mate? What is Evelyn willing to do for fame?

What I liked about this book

For starters I loved the format of the book. The inclusion of the blog, news, and tabloids helped the reader to understand how the public was interpreting the various scandals and life events of Evelyn Hugo. In my opinion it gave the reader an additional narrative to further form an opinion on Evelyn. Another aspect of the book format that I liked was how even though the main focus of the book was the telling of Evelyn's life story, the reader was still informed on Monique's current life. It was clear that hearing Evelyn's life story helped Monique to come to terms with where she was at in life and helped to her grow on a personal level. The last aspect of the format the I really liked was how each section was dedicated to a husband. As a reader I appreciate the author's choice to format the book this way. In addition to loving the format of the book I also loved the writing style. It was easy to read and flowed effortlessly. The transition from Monique's perspective to Evelyn's was smooth yet clearly defined. I absolutely loved the pace at which this story progressed. Recently I have been struggling to find a book that I cannot put down. I can say I did not want to put this book down. To avoid reading it all in one sitting I restrained myself and only let myself read a maximum of an hour and a half a day. I loved this book so much that I didn't want to put it down, but at the same time I wanted to slowly read it so I could enjoy and appreciate it. Now back to the pace of the book. Taylor Jenkins Reid wrote a book that was entertaining from start to finish. There was constant change to keep the reader interested. I never felt like the book slowed down and became boring. In addition to loving the technical parts of this book I simply loved the story. I loved reading about a Hollywood icon and the highs and lows of a women striving to continue being famous and relevant. I loved that the author not only had Evelyn tell her story but also had her reflect on it and make personal connections with the actions she made. This showed the reader the type of character she was and displayed how the author truly knew how to write a well developed character. To avoid giving any spoilers I will just say I loved the ending of the book. I was left with no questions and was satisfied with the conclusion. Since I loved this book of course I want more but am overall stratified with the ending. There were also some aspects of the book that I personally related to and found it cathartic to read about someone else's experiences with the same things. This book allowed me to personally reflect on my life and where I want my life to go.

What I disliked about this book 

I can honestly and truly say this is nothing I disliked about this book. 

Would I recommend this book?

Hands down and without a doubt I would recommend this book to everyone. I think it is not only an interesting story to read but also allows you to do some self reflecting. This book is entertaining from start to finishing and is truly hard to put down. With that being said I will give a warning that their is domestic violence in the book that could be triggering to some readers. I say run don't walk to get this book. My last comment about this book is that if a show or movie came out about this book I would watch it even though I don't think I would like it more than the book.

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