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Daisy Jones & the Six by Taylor Jenkins-Reid Book Review

Reason for reading this book

In June as I was only working on the weekends and was taking care of the dog and the house during the weekdays. I found myself having lots of time to read. I was reading up to an hour and a half a day which is an increase from my average 30 minutes a day. With this increased amount of reading each day I was flying through books. This meant that I was having to find books to read on my own as the book club I am a member of only reads one book a month and I was finishing a book about every 8 days or so. If you follow my blog then you will know that I recently reviewed The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid. Spoiler I loved the book, here is a link to the review. Since I loved the book so much I decided why not read another book by her. So I chose to read Daisy Jones & the Six

Content of the book

At a young age Daisy is a want-to-be singer song-writer who has become swept up in the sex, drugs, and club life of LA in the late sixties. After she experiences what it is like to be recognized for her talent she begins to spiral out of control. At the same time of Daisy's rise to fame the band, The Six led by Bill Dunne is also getting noticed. At the start of their first tour Billy learns that his girlfriend Camila is pregnant. The pressure of becoming a father and increasing fame caused Billy to go wild on tour. To further grow their success producers convince Daisy and Billy to work together to produce an album. The story of how their legendary album came to be is chronicled in novel told in a oral history format. Read to find what was happening behind the scenes of one of the biggest bands of the seventies. 


What are you willing to give up for fame? Forbidden love. Family versus fame. Addiction. The fight to stay sober. 

What I liked about this book

I have mixed feelings about the oral history formal of this book. Yes, having the different perspectives of all those involved helped to paint a better picture of all that was going on, but it also made it hard to fully connect with a character because there were so many characters. It was easier to understand Billy and Daisy as characters because the book focused more on them. Having the story switch between characters allowed for there to be humor or contradiction between them. This was an aspect of the book that I enjoyed because it made it personable. I liked how fast pace the book moved. The author never really dwelled on one thing for too long and kept the story moving just like how life keeps moving. I liked how the book concluded. The author did a nice job of wrapping up all the characters different stories and giving an update on where and what they were doing currently. I enjoyed reading about the dynamic of the group and how it evolved overtime. 

What I disliked about the book

I found that there was very little difference in the tone and voice of each character. It was necessary to read which character was talking because there was no difference in their tone or voice. I feel like taking on the perspective of so many characters is what caused the lack of distinction between each one. In comparison, Monique and Evelyn had two different tones in The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. I struggled to get excited and enthused about this book once I started. I thought that the story of a rock band would be very entertaining and keep me wanting to read more as I know little about the rock world, but in reality its was just sex, drugs, and alcohol and nothing else. I guess what more can you expect. I found the actual writing and word choice of this book to be very elementary and not engaging to read. In my opinion the writing style completely missed the mark compared to The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. As a reader I was hungry for memorable or stand-out parts, but truly there was none. There were also some shock factors but not as many as I was expecting coming off of reading The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. I was expecting to understand and connect with the characters like I did in The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo because Taylor did a fantastic job of developing each husband or lover of Evelyn, but in this story you only really got to know most of the characters on a surface level. I also found that most of the characters actions were predictable which decreased the excitement and entertainment level of the story. 

Would I recommend this book?

The simple answer is no. I do not think that this story is memorable or worth the read. I would recommend The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo over this book time and time again. I think Taylor Jenkins-Reid really missed the mark with this book. This story had potential but the switching between the characters decreased the character development. 

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