These simple black and white weekly bullet journal spreads are perfect for when you are lacking the time to create a elaborate spread or if simple spreads are just more of your style. I have created all of these spreads with enough space from daily tasks, daily food logs and even enough space at the bottom to add other trackers, a notes section or somewhere to track your weekly goals or to dos. The rectangle in the top left hand corner is meant to write when the week started and ended.
How You Can Change Up These Spreads From Week to Week
I love that I can take these spread and use them as templates for other weekly spreads. These spreads also allow you to easily add color to them to change up the spread from week to week. If you find that one of these spreads works the best for you, you can always change up the look from week to week by experimenting with different fonts, color combinations, doodles, banners, and digital stickers or pictures.
What I Used to Create These Spreads
The application GoodNotes was used to make all of these spreads. If you are interested in paperless or digital planning, I highly recommend purchasing the application GoodNotes. I have found that it includes all of the features I need and want from a digital note taking application. To find out more about the GoodNotes app check out my blog post Taking Notes on iPad . I either use the Bargain Depot Stylus 2 Pack from Amazon or the PILOT G2 Pen Stylus.
For more bullet journal ideas check out my other blog posts and Instagram Account @whenishouldbestudying
What To Track in Your Habit Tracker
Student Bullet Journal Spread Ideas
Six Bullet Journal Spread Ideas
Bullet Journal Fitness and Workout Spread Ideas
Ideas For Digital Bullet Journal Spread Ideas
Student Bullet Journal Spread Ideas
Six Bullet Journal Spread Ideas
Bullet Journal Fitness and Workout Spread Ideas
Ideas For Digital Bullet Journal Spread Ideas
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Instagram: @whenishouldbestudying
Pinterest: @whenishouldbestudying
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