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My Favorite Fody Foods Products and How I Use Them

I would like to start out by saying this post is not sponsored or affiliated with Fody Foods. I am a repeat loyal customers who loves their products and wanted to share my favorites and how I use them.

As I have mentioned in all of my food related blog posts, I am moderately low fodmap, completely milk free and rarely eat gluten. With having all of these eating restrictions I have tested out so many products to fit these needs. When I first started the low fodmap elimination diet, I fell in love with some of Fody Foods products and still use them today even though I am not longer completely low fodmap. The reason I still use Fody products is because I am still quite sensitive to onions and garlic. I am thinking of doing a blog post dedicated to when I reintroduce onions back into my regular diet.

Here I have a link to an article that describes what a low fodmap diet is and how to get started. Now lets move on to my favorite Fody Foods products and how I use them!!

Fody Taco Seasoning

My ultimate favorite Fody product is the Taco Seasoning. Without a doubt I use this seasoning at least once a week. Some of my favorite ways to use it are to season the chicken and peppers for low fodmap fajitas, to season ground turkey for taco salads and to season my crockpot chicken tortilla soup. Here is the link to my low fodmap chicken tortilla soup. In that recipe there is also an option to add higher fodmap foods if you are no longer on a strict low fodmap diet. This seasoning has quite a lot of salt already added to it, so in my opinion it is not necessary to add more when cooking with it.

Fody BBQ Sauce

One meal that my sister and I love to make is BBQ pulled pork in the crockpot. This is my favorite way to use this sauce. I love the mild sweet flavor of this BBQ Sauce

Basil Marinara Sauce

This Basil Marinara Sauce has a great consistency because it is smooth and has chunks of tomato. I love topping my roasted spaghetti squash with this sauce. I will say that I have to salt and pepper to this sauce to make it taste a little bit better. Another pasta option for this sauce is to serve it with Banza chickpea pasta and add a grilled chicken sausage. I have found chicken sausage that are onion and garlic free but do have apple in them so to some they might be too high fodmap. I recommend the Apple Sausage by Al Fresco. Also Banza is only considered low fodmap in the amount of 1 cup cooked pasta.

Sesame Ginger Sauce and Marinade

This Sesame Ginger Sauce and Marinade is a new addition to my favorite Fody products. I add this sauce to chicken or tofu when making a stir-fry. You can either marinade the protein before stir-frying or add it directly to the pan when cooking the protein. The best vegetable to add to a low lodmap stir-fry is broccoli.


Along with the taco seasoning the Fody Ketchup has been a tried and true product in my fridge since I went low fodmap. Even though the uses for ketchup are quite obvious some of my the ways I use it are for turkey burgers, to drip roasted carrot fries in, to dip homemade chicken nuggets and to drip grilled chicken sausage in. Here is the link to the homemade chicken nuggets that I used to make once a month.

I hope that these products and ideas for how to use them are helpful to you if you are on a low fodmap diet or are sensitive to high fodmap foods.

Summer Weekly Meal Prep Plan

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