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Star Themed Weekly Bullet Journal Spread Ideas

This week on the blog I am sharing six weekly spread ideas that are inspired by stars and the night sky, hence the use of blue. Even though I am not much of a night person, I love learning about the science behind stars and of course looking up at them during summer nights. Continue reading to become inspired to create beautiful star themed spreads in your own bullet journal.

I plan digitally, using an iPad and the application GoodNotes and Bargain Depot Stylus 2 Pack from Amazon. Currently I am still using GoodNotes 4. If you are curious to why I plan digitally you should check out my blog post Switching to a Digital Planner-Paperless Planning.

Weekly Spread #1

If you have been following my Instagram since October, then this spread might look a little familiar. The daily date header is very similar to my Hamilton weekly spread. I just loved that spread so much and all the memories that it holds that I was inspired to replicate it for this spread. With that spread I added quotes from the musical to the notes section. For this spread I added smaller stars to the corners of the daily boxes and stars and dots around the meal tracker. To make this spread your own you could add more stars or dots to amp up the whimsical elements. 

Weekly Spread #2 

For this next spread I used stars as the 'boxes' for each week day. I am using this type of weekly layout for the first time, check out my Instagram post to see what it looks like when its all filled out. With this spread I also played around with a lot of different looking daily food trackers and ended up likely the simple corner emphasis with the dots in between the corners. I wanted this spread to be more simple and just focus on the large stars and that is why I didn't add any additional smaller stars, but if that is what you are going for then I am sure it will look just as good as the simpler version. 

Weekly Spread #3 

This next spread is actually one I created and used awhile ago. I did change one thing from the original one in that the daily dates are now stars instead of circles. I think the circles were supposed to represent the moon, but in my opinion the stars look better. I wanted to mention that for all of these spreads you could use yellow to accent the stars instead of the blue and then use blue as another color in your color scheme. 

Weekly Spread #4

For the purpose of this blog post I wanted to incorporate as many planner styles as I could, so that means I had to include at least one black and white spread. The idea behind the header is a string of twinkle and bulb lights. Instead of using color to display the color glowing from the star shaped daily dates I used dots. If you love this spread but always use a color scheme you could easily color the lights on the strings and the daily date stars. To make this spread fit more with the minimalistic planner style I also changed the look of the What I Ate header. I also added one star to the corner of the notes sections boxes. 

Weekly Spread #5

Like the last spread I wanted to also show a weekly spread that is a horizontal layout. I have tried horizontal layouts in the past and the ones that I have tried just didn't work for me. But as I said in my 2019 goals, I am going to step outside of my comfort zone and try new things, so be on the look out on my Instagram for this filled out weekly spread. The main drawing of this spread was inspired from a image that I found on Google. I liked that the stars were organically drawn, not going to lie it was still hard for me to draw them. I actually used the copying tool on GoodNotes to copy and paste the daily meal tracker from spread #2 into this spread because I felt like to fit so well. 

Weekly Spread #6

This last and final spread is based off of inspiration that I have see on Instagram and Pinterest. The idea is that single stars are handing down from the daily date box. For this spread I mixed it up and used two different types of stars. The base of this spread is the same as spread #1. For all of these spreads I included a daily food tracker because that is something I personally use in all of my weekly spreads, but if do not use a food tracker than you could easily switch it to be a daily habit tracker, daily to do list or even a shopping list. There are endless possibilities. 

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For more bullet journal ideas check out my other blog posts


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