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2019 Bullet Journal Set-Up

 Give yourself a pat on the back because you survived 2018. Now that its 2019 its time to set up your 2019 bullet journal. In this blog post I will break down my monthly, yearly and weekly spreads that I will for cure being using in my 2019 bullet journal along with the order in which I am organizing my bullet journal. As I have mentioned before I plan digitally, using an iPad and the application GoodNotes and Bargain Depot Stylus 2 Pack from Amazon. If you are curious to why I plan digitally you should check out my blog post Switching to a Digital Planner-Paperless Planning.

2019 Bujo Set Up

The first spread that I have in my 2019 bullet journal is my 2019 Bujo Set Up spread. This spread is what I use to remember in the order in which I want my planner to be organized. For me this type of spread works better than an index or table of contents due to the fact that I plan digitally and am able to scroll and see each page in the thumbnail feature of GoodNotes. I recommend this spread to those who are planning digitally or have a lot of ideas for their planner and need help organizing their ideas into categories.

Mood Tracker

As you can see from my Set Up, the next page in my planner is my mood tracker. I find it easiest to make one spread for the whole year due to the fact that I already make four separate spreads for each month. I uses this same mood tracker layout in 2018 and loved it so I decided to use it again for 2019. Here is what the blank spread looks like.

Monthly Trackers

The next section of my bullet journal is my monthly trackers. In this section I have my monthly habit tracker spread, workout spread, health tracker, and monthly review. I already have a blog post on my Monthly Set Up. The only spread I no longer use in that blog post is the spending tracker. I find it easiest to have these spreads at the beginning of my bullet journal and by my mood tracker because I use these spreads every day. For more ideas on workout trackers check out my blog post Bullet Journal Fitness and Workout Spread Ideas.

Blog Trackers

Following my mood tracker I have all of my blog and social media trackers. The only new tracker that I made for 2019 was a new Instagram follower tracker. The reason I made a new one was because I decided that I wanted all of my blog trackers to have the same color scheme. To get a better look at the blog related spreads that I have in my 2019 bullet journal check out my blog post on Social Media Bullet Journal Spreads and Trackers.

TV and Movie Trackers

Continuing on with the trackers, the next four pages our my TV and movie trackers. These spreads did not change from my 2018 to 2019 bullet journal because they were not complete so I just copied and pasted them into my new journal. For ideas on TV and movie Trackers check out this blog post Bullet Journal TV Series Trackers

Book Trackers

I have a whole blog post dedicated to Bullet Journal Spread Ideas For Book Lovers. I am still using the same book shelf spread and just add book trackers for each book that I am currently reading. 

Cleaning Tracker

The next tracker that I have in my 2019 Bullet Journal is my cleaning tracker. This tracker is used to keep track of when I sanitize, vacuum, washing bedding, etc. I used this same spread in my 2018 Bullet Journal and loved it so much that I used it again this year.

State Tracker

This spread is one that I sadly don't get to use too often due to the fact that I don't visit new states too often. One perk of planning digitally is that I can copy and paste Google images into my bullet journal. That is exactly what I did for this spread.

Sports Trackers

One of my favorite things to track in my bullet journal is sports statistics for my favorite teams. The one I am showing today is my United States Women's National Team game summary spread for 2019. My all-time favorite sports team is the US Women's soccer team. After having a similar spread in my 2018 bullet journal I am some adjustments to improve the functionality of this spread. 

List Spreads

The section of my bullet journal that follows my trackers is my list section. So far in this section I have some of the list spreads that I did not complete in 2018 and plan to for 2019 or any new list spreads that relate to 2019. For example, I have my 2019 Spring morning routine in this section. If you are in need of list spread ideas I have a whole blog post that will give you all the ideas you need; Bullet Journal List Spread Ideas. This section of my bullet journal is where I will put all of my packing lists.

Weekly Spreads

The last section of my 2019 bullet journal is my weekly spreads. For some it may seem like its not functionally to have your weekly spreads at the end of you bullet journal, but I find it to be the easiest because I can scroll all the way to the bottom and easily find that weeks spread. I have a whole blog post dedicated to weekly spread ideas for 2019, 8 Weekly Bullet Journal Spreads You Must Use in 2019

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For more bullet journal ideas check out my other blog posts

Don't forget to stay up to date on my blog by following my social media accounts!


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