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Verity by Colleen Hoover Book Review

Reasons For Reading This Book:

For the Readheads book club I read and reviewed Layla by Colleen Hoover. I really enjoyed that book and knew I might enjoy another one of her well loved books. One of my co-workers who is also a big reader, wanted to gift me a book for my birthday. At the time I was in a bit of a book slump and did not really know what to choose. After seeing Verity all over social media I said to myself why not give it a chance and see if it lives up to the hype. I told my co-worker the title and it was on my desk the next day. Since I had read a Colleen Hoover book before I did have some expectations but tried to not set them too high. As someone who has not read any of Colleen Hoover's pure romance novels my expectations for a dark and twisted plot came from reading Layla. 

Content of the Book:

Just as she needed it, Lowen, a struggling writer in financial trouble receives an offer to finish a famous book series after the author is tragically left unable to do so. For research purposes Lowen moves into the family's house so she can have easy access to author, Verity Crawford's office. Once inside the office Lowen discovers Verity's unfinished autobiography. It is a page turner for sure. 

What I Liked About the Book:

At times I truly felt the emotions of the characters. I was creeped out when they were creeped out, I was heart broken when they were heart broken, and I was curious when they were curious. I am a big fan of Colleen Hoover's choice of including the different point of views for the different characters. This choice gave the read a perspective of all the main characters. The backstories and journal entries were the main point of information given to the reader. Even through the journal entries were wildly disturbing and shocking to read, I found myself unable to stop reading or stop thinking about it when I wasn't reading. I was hooked from the beginning, which says a lot for me. I usually struggle to start a book as it takes me time to get into the story and remembering all the characters. The plot is littered with twists and turns that were unexpected and shocking. I liked the dark and creepy tone of the book. It kept me intregiued. Even with the things that I did not enjoy about the book, I have to give it to Colleen Hoover because this is one of the most memorable and entertaining pychological-thriller I have read in a while.

What I Disliked About the Book:

I was sort of satisfied with the ending. I get that the author left some of the ending up to the imagination of the reader and let us make our own choices and conclusions. There were some included details that I thought could have been left out. It felt rushed, spuratic, and not well thought out. Something that really missed the mark for me was the character development in this book. In my opinion there was not any. Even at the end of the book the character's actions were not thought out, which shows a lack of growth and immaturity. Yes, the characters experienced a lot from the beginning to the end of the book but they never had any development as a result of the experiences. The characters were very reactive in all that they did. There was limited reflection on what they were experiencing. I am not sure if I was supposed to like any of the characters. I had a similar reaction to the characters in Layla. I also did not find anything about the characters to be relatable to me or my life. This is not something that I require of a book, but it is a bonus when it happens. I was not big on the constant, graphic, and very detailed sex scenes. This might be appealing to some readers and it was to an extent, but at times it was over kill. 

Would I Recommend This Book?

If I am being honest I really struggled to right this review. I overall enjoyed the plot and my experience reading it, I just hesitate to recommend it because I feel like it could be hard for some people to read. The funny thing is that while I was writing this review I visited my family and my sister-in-law asked me if I have read and liked any of Colleen Hoover's books. I told her I had read Layla and Verity. I recommended both but gave a warning as she is a mother and reading Verity could be scarring. Even with how dark this book is I still recommend it because it is memorable and entertaining. I just caution you that there are dark and sad things said and done relating to children. 

Check out my book reviews for 2022!!

The Housewives: The Real Story Behind the Real Housewives by Brian Moylan
A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard 

Check out my book reviews for 2021!!

Check out my book reviews for 2020!!

Check out my book reviews for 2019!!


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