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The Simple Wild by K.A. Tucker Book Review

Reasons for Reading This Book

I read The Simple Wild by K.A. Tucker because I am a member of The ReadHeads podcast book club and it was the book of the month for December 2021. I love a Sitch's choice!! Before reading the book I did look at some of the review on iBooks. The one that stuck out to me and I kept thinking about throughout the whole book was that one reader said 'she hated the main character, felt no sympathy for her, found her to not be relatable at all, and could not believe that she was 26 and never lived on her own or bought her own groceries'. Even though I read this review I did not let it influence my perspective of the character and was open to form my own opinion of Calla. I was excited to read about Alaska as I have never been there and love reading about live in places that are so different from where I live.  


Life is full of new experiences and new people, you just have to be open to experiencing and meeting them. Take a chance and step out of your comfort zone. Rural vs city. Surround yourself with the people who truly care for you. Everything happens for a reason.

Content of the Book

Calla is a 26 year old who just lost her job and boyfriend when she finds out that her father, who she has not seen in over 20 years, has lung cancer. Why hasn't she seen her father since she was a child? Because her mom, Susan, left her dad, Wren, when Calla was a baby because she could not bear to live in Bangor, Alaska. Calla was raised in Toronto, Canada by her mother and step-father. Upon her arrival to Bangor, Alaska Calla realizes that this place is nothing like any where she has ever been. The first person the greet Calla is Jonah. Calla first describes him a yeti. Will there vastly different views on life and what is important in life cause them to be friends or foes? Read to learn about Calla's adventures in Alaska and the unforgettable people she meets along the way.

What I Like About This Book

I loved how easily it read. The book flowed effortlessly from one chapter to the next. The writing style was interesting and engaging yet easy to read. I loved the humor from both Calla's inner dialogue and the humor in the actions and conversions she had. The author vividly depicted just how out of place Calla was in Alaska. As a reader I could easily picture exactly what she was wearing, where she was staying and even what she was eating. The best way to describe this was like watching a vlog (video blog) on YouTube. I liked how some parts were predictable yet other parts were not. The plot of the book had a little bit of everything; romance, thrill, drama, comedy, and tragedy. I loved how easy it was to get to know the characters. I love when you choose a book to read and it just happens to be the perfect time to read that book, it was meant to be. I started this book before Winter Break and ended it on Christmas Day. This was the perfect book to read while flying and driving. I appreciated that the author allowed Calla to experience Alaska on her own and form her own opinion that was different than the one her mother had projected onto her during her childhood. I also liked that I was able to relate to her and her work as a blogger. She discussed trying to find the time outside of work and her social life to maintain a blog. This relates to my life. Lastly, I was a fan of the youthful flirting between Jonah and Calla. 

What I Disliked About The Book

I will say that at times it felt very YA (young adult) in the way the characters acted towards one another. I didn't mind it except I had to keep reminding myself that they are not really young adults, as they are in their later 20s. I feel like this book could have worked for a young Calla, but I get that she was able to do what she did because she had lost her job. 

Do I Recommend This Book?

Yes, I recommend this book. I truly enjoyed it from start to finish. With saying that I am aware that not everyone who asks for my book recommendations would like this book. I would only recommend this to those that like the YA feel and like a playful romance. 

Check out my book reviews for 2021!!

Check out my book reviews for 2020!!

Check out my book reviews for 2019!!


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