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Maybe In Another Life by Taylor Jenkins Reid Book Review

Reasons for reading this book

I am not going to lie, I thought I purchased Malibu Rising on iBooks not Maybe In Another Life. Once I realized which book I had actually downloaded I had mixed expectations going into it. I say that because I consider The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid to be my current favorite book, but I also hated Daisy Jones and the Six  which is also by Taylor Jenkins Reid. In short I was hopeful that I would like the book, but also knew there was a possibility I would not like it. I should also mention I read and reviewed this book in July of 2021. 

Content of this book

By the age of 29, Hannah Martin has yet to find 'home'. She has lived in six cities and jumped from meaningless job to meaningless job. She finally decides to return to Los Angeles and move in with her best friend Gabby. While out at a bar on her first night back in the city Hannah runs into her high school boyfriend Ethan. She has the choice to stay out with Ethan or go home with Gabby. Both choices have their consequences and change the trajectory of her life in a profound way. Will she stay or will she go? The consequences of both of these actions are played out in a concurrent storyline. Will Hannah ever find a home? How do both of these choices affect her and the people around her? Read to find out.


Create your own home. When life gives you lemons make lemonade. One small decision can change your life forever. 

What I liked about the book

I have never read a book that switched between two different 'universes' or ways that life could go. With this being my first time reading a book like this I really enjoyed it. There were parts of both scenarios or life that I liked making it hard for me to choose which one I liked better. In my opinion that author was able to keep the character true to herself and himself in both lives. Because the author had great character development for each character their reactions and actions to things in both lives were complimentary to each other. I loved the ending and how the author chose to write the conclusion. As a reader I appreciated the 3 weeks, 3 months, and 3 year updated for both lives and all characters. The conclusions of each life were justifiable and satisfied how I wanted the book to end. I really enjoyed the pace of the book. The plot in both universes progressed at a steady pace and varied in highs and lows. I loved how easy this book was to read. The conversations and narrations flowed fluidly from one to another. I would say the writing did not wow me as much as it did in The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, but it was far better than Daisy Jones & The Six.

What I disliked about this book

This is really not a dislike, but I will say that reading a little bit of this book at a time each day did cause some confusion for me. I found it best to end a reading session at the end of a chapter because otherwise I came back confused next time I picked up the book. 

Would I recommend this book

Yes, I would recommend this book. With that being said I do not think it is Taylor Jenkins Reid's best work. I still personally think The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo is better. This book is the perfect book for a book club because it poses the questions of life, what is important, and how one moment in time can change your life forever. The themes of this book would spark meaningful and reflective questions in a book club meeting. 

Check out my book reviews for 2021!!

Check out my book reviews for 2020!!

Check out my book reviews for 2019!!


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