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American Royals ll: Majesty by Kathrine McGree Book Review


Reason For Reading This Book:

I am going to be honest and say that I read this book as a filler in between book club books/books that I really wanted to read. Because it was so hard to get a hold of a copy of Ghosts of Gothem to read for The Readheads Book club and I was not excited about reading that book, so I chose not to, I needed something to read until the next book club book was announced. I went through my book lists and tried to find books that I would get as an ebook from the library as I do not live near my library. None of the books that I really wanted to read were available from the library besides Majesty by Kathrine McGree. This book has been on my want to read list since it came out. I read the first one shortly before the second one was published. I had never picked it to read because I read the reviews and everyone either said it was a waste of time or simply mediocre. I was desperate so I pulled the trigger and downloaded the ebook from the library. I was prepared going in to be disappointed.

Content of the Book: 

This book follows the lives of the American Royals, yes royalty in America, shortly after the passing of their father, the King. Beatrice has now become Queen and Samantha has moved up to second to the throne. The relationships pick up where they left off in the first book. With Nina and Jeff no longer together. Beatrice and Teddy engaged and Sam doing her own thing. What will life look like for these royals now that Beatrice is Queen? There is a wedding to plan, dates to invite, royal engagements to attend, oh and the responsibility of bringing a country out of mourning. Read to find out how these young royals navigate their relationships and their new responsibilities.

What I Liked About the Book:

As a reader who read the first book quite a while ago, I will say it was very easy to jump right back into this world. Not only was the first book a memorable read, but also the author did a fantastic job at reminding the reader of what they needed to know from the first book to understand this one. Something that impressed me about the first book was the descriptions of the royal's and friends attire. This is something I love to read about. McGree once again did an excellent job of painting the descriptions of the clothing worn in this book. There was one big royal responsibility taken on by Beatrice that I enjoyed reading because it stepped away from the relationships in this book and focused on her new role. I liked reading about Daphne and her determination to make a name for herself. The author showed the differences in inheriting power and working your whole life to earn in. As someone who loves to read about fame and how people deal with it. I enjoyed reading about hiding from the paparazzi or purposely doing something in front of them to get attention. 

What I Disliked About the Book:

The book basically revolves around different 'couple's' relationships, friendships and sisterhood. The whole book is focused relationships. Either building them up or tearing them down. It is very YA in that way. I would have liked to focus on other things happening in the Royal's worlds instead of just their relationships. The author did have the royals attend engagements and events, but the whole time they were there was still centered around their relationships. I was overall left very unsatisfied with the conclusions of some of the story lines. There is build up the whole book for one things and how that story line concluded not only disappointed me but also left unfinished. Because this book is the second one in the series, the author does not need to develop the characters as much as she did in the first. With that I felt like some characters showed growth and change while others did not. Some of the issues carried on from book one into book two. I would have liked to read about more new issues than just relationships.

Would I Recommend This Book?

The simple answer is kind of. With that it was nice to read about these characters again but I liked the endings that I created for them better than the ones in this book. The book focused too much on relationships. I want to finish the series but will not be rushing to the book store to get myself a copy. I'll just download it from the library like I did with this one. The third book's release date is May 2022.

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Every Last Secret by A.R. Torre 

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