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Where the Crawdads Sing By Delia Owens Book Review

Reasons For Reading This Book: 

I have two main reasons for reading Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. The first one is that my best friend, who I trust with book recommendations, said this is her favorite book. The second is that the movie was being released on Netflix and I wanted to read the book before I watched the movie. When I went to my favorite used bookstore and there was a copy I snatched it up and immediately started reading it.

Content of This Book:

Kya Clark or the "Marsh Girl" as she is known by the Barkley Cove towns people is suspected of Chase Andrews, the former star quarterback's murder. Kya has survived on her own since she was a child in the marsh on the North Carolina coast, making friends with the creatures and learning from nature. In her teenage and young adult years she yearns for love and affection. Her wild beauty intrigues two young men from town. Kya begins to learn to trust people and let them into her life. Everything is good until the unthinkable happens. 

What I Liked About This Book:

When reflecting on what I liked about this book the first thing that comes to mind is how effortless and easy it is to read this book. The writing in beautiful and descriptive. Delia's writing is fluid and captivating. There was no confusion or choppiness to the writing at all. The author used voice, tone and dialect to differentiate between the different characters who narrated the book. The chapters were small and easily digestible. I loved the flow from one chapter to the next. You could either keep reading or stop and pick it up again and it still felt the same. I could go on and on praising the descriptions of this book. Even if you have never seen a marsh before you can easily picture it because of Delia Owens' phenomenally detailed depictions. The last thing I will say about the detailed descriptions is that the author made reading about cooking grits entertaining and beautiful. I loved the choice to switch back and forth between past and present. The chapters were distinctly marked with a date which gave the reader an indicator to what year it was. I admire the character development. Even though there were so many characters introduced throughout the book the author always provided a physical descriptions and a little bit of background to who they were. Because the setting is a small town people reappear at other points in the book and it is helpful to already have an idea of what kind of person they are. Kya's character development was fantastic. As she grew so did her intelligence and ability to navigate life. The author showed that not only through descriptions and dialogue but also through her actions and thoughts about what was happening to her. The pace of the book was perfect. The plot progressed at just the right speed. The first half of the book was mostly focused on her childhood and little about the case and then towards the end of the book there was a slight shift from one to the other. The author was able to cover most of her life in detail. The last thing I will say is that I loved that I was not able to solve the murder case and that the last bit of details were not revealed until the very end. 

What I Disliked About This Book:

There is not much I disliked about this book. The only thing I can think of is I struggled to read the dialogue with some of the characters because of their dialect. Other than that I have nothing else I disliked about the book.

Would I Recommend This Book:

I think my best friend was correct when she said this is her favorite book. I loved and enjoyed reading it. I say get yourself a copy and jump on the bandwagon because it is an amazing and unforgettable read. I also highly recommend watching the movie once you finish. They are both amazing works of art that I think everyone should experience. 

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