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Every Last Secret by A.R. Torre Book Review

Reasons For Reading This Book

As I have mentioned before I am working my way through my best friend's book list. Every Last Secret by A.R. Torre is one book on that list. When she first told me to add this book to the list she said 'I need someone else to read this book so we can talk about it'. I took the challenge and she gave me her copy when I saw her over Winter Break. I read this book while traveling over the holidays. I should also mention that this book has been on my 'to read list' in iBooks for a while now after the app recommended it to me and I read the description and thought I would like it.

Content of the Book

The secrets are hidden behind the money, fake smiles, charity board standing, and mansions. Cat Winthorpe is the wife of a successful tech company owner. She lives the life of luxury. Her life turns upside down when her husband's new employee moves in next door. Nina Ryder is a life-coach looking to climb the social ladder. She wants the life Cat has, the successful and handsome husband, be on a charity board, the perfect body, and a beautiful home. Moving into the neighborhood means one step further for Nina. The women want the same things, William, Cat's husband, and a perfect life. One already has him while one is trying to get him. The women's desire for a perfect life pins them against one another. Read to see just how far they are willing to go to have a perfect life.


Money does not mean happiness. Fake it until you make it. Everyone has their secrets. 

What I Liked About the Book

As a reader I enjoyed getting the perspective from both Nina and Cat. This not only gave me insight into their interpretation of the same event, but also allowed for significant character development. The reader gained an understanding for what life is like for someone who is successful in this town and one who is trying to be. The voice of each character was different enough that I knew which character was speaking. For example, Nina was much more likely to pick up on flaws in the person upon meeting them. Another detail from the book that helped to show how the characters are is by having them repeat an action. Not only has the author said that this is something the character often does, but it also shows how it is repeated in action throughout the whole book. With all that was going on in this book it was engaging from cover to cover. During and after reading this book I have not stopped thinking about it. Quite frankly I can't stop thinking about how messed up these characters are. I see why my best friend wanted someone else to read this book so she could talk to them about it. I like when a book leaves me feeling some way. Each time I put this book down I was so intrigued I just wanted to keep reading. As a reader I appreciated that the author concluded the book with what happened following the main plot. The book was so trilling and exciting that I read it so fast. This is one of those books you are going to start and might not want to put down. 

This book gives me The Woman in the Window vibes and I could see it being turned into a series or movie. I would give it a watch. Also here is my book review of The Woman in the Window

What I Disliked About the Book

I am not sure if I was supposed to like any of the characters or not. Honestly they did not have many redeeming qualities about them. Depending on what kind of reader you are, you might have been able to figure out the ending of the book. I did not anticipate the ending of the book. I can't really say its a dislike but I just wanted to get to the ending so bad I wish I could have read faster.

Would I Recommend This Book?

Without a doubt YES!! I would recommend reading this book. I was engaged from start to finish and love the romance, drama, thrill, and drive to get what you want out of life. If you are thinking of reading this book I say go for it!

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