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Simply Paperless Digital Fitness Planner

I am over the moon excited to announce that I have started an Etsy shop for digital bullet journal and planner products. My Etsy Shop is Simply Paperless. I have been working on this project for some time now and finally have my first listing ready to launch and for purchase. 

The first planner bundle that I created is a fitness planner. This is the first bundle that I created because Bullet Journal Fitness and Workout Spread Ideas is my most viewed blog post. I not only wanted to update some of the spreads that I created for that initial blog post, but I also wanted to add more spreads.

In this blog post I am sharing examples of how you can fill out the spreads once you purchase them from my Etsy shop: Simply Paperless

The idea behind these spreads is that they are customizable to any planner style or planner theme because they are black and white. In the examples below I show how to incorporate different themes into the spreads. 

The Fitness Planner Bundle includes that following pages:

Weight Tracker:

Here I am showing two different examples of how to fill out the weight tracker. One is using a highlighter to create a bar graph and the second is using dots to create a line graph. There are also different ways to label the points on the graph. The vertical portion of the graph is blank and you can add in the weight numbers yourself. The horizontal portion of the graph includes the months of the year with blank space at the end if you want to extend past the year. The bottom portion of this spread is intended for tracking of weekly weigh ins. There are four lines for each month of the year. Again there is blank space if more months need to be added.

Food Journal:

The food items I have included in this example are not reflective of a recommended diet they are just examples. I am not recommending to follow what is written in this example. This example shows how text and color can be added to the food journal spread. This spread has enough lines for all meals for an entire 7 day week. 

Monthly Workout Tracker:

In the bundle this spread comes with a Monday start day and a Sunday start day. For this spread I included two different examples of how it can be filled out. To demonstrate how to incorporate a theme into these spreads I decorated this one for the month of July with patriotic colors. This one follows the set key which can be changed each month by using a highlighter to color in the full box for each day and then writing in the exact workout. The boxes for the 'goals' can be 'completed' by drawing an x in the box. The second example is using the same colors from the key but just highlighting the date in the color and then writing in the workout. This method works best if you only do one type of workout each day. This is the original bullet journal spread that I still use daily. 

Daily Step Tracker:

Same as the last one the bundle also includes a Monday and Sunday start day for this spread. To fill out this spread you can use a highlighter that fits the theme and then write the final step count at the end of each line. Instead of highlight you could also draw a vertical line for each day and then connect the days together with horizontal lines. 

Workout Plan:

This next spread is designed to track the different exercises within a workout. There is a section to write down the exercise, set and rep. I showed how you can divide up workouts with highlighting the boxes for a specific workout. I also showed how you can add the date if you plan to fill out this spread daily or more regularly. This spread can also be filled out in advance and then used as a reference for repeated workouts. 

Health Habit Tracker:

This is a spread that was not included in the initial fitness blog post but was designed for a later blog post The Only Habit/Health Tracker That You Need in Your Bullet Journal. I go into more detail about this type of spread in that blog post. Below is an example of what a completed monthly health habit tracker looks like when its completely filled in. I have created my own key for this spread. In the Etsy product there is a blank key so you can create your own or use mine for reference. In my personal bullet journal I make my workout tracker and health tracker have the same theme and just include the name of the month. In the Etsy product the black boxes at the top are blank so the customer can write in what they choose to track. 

Workout Videos:

As someone who uses different forms of social media to find workouts, I thought it would be helpful to have a reference sheet for all the different types of workout videos and plans you find. I showed how this spread can be filled out for a YouTube video. What is nice about filling this out digitally is you can include the hyperlink and click on it when you are ready to complete that workout.
If you have or plan to purchase my Digital Fitness Planner Bundle I would like to personally thank you!! I hope you find these spreads to be inspirational and to fit all your fitness planner needs!! Happy fitness and happy planning!! Thank you for supporting my shop and blog!!

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For more bullet journal ideas check out my other blog posts

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